

I was born in Vienna. After matriculation I migrated to South Africa but left the country after two years. Back in Austria I worked many years for the ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corp.), finally as reporter and producer for radio and television.

During the 1980’s I became interested in mythology and started to work on my book Die Macht der Mondin (The power of the Moon Goddess). From 1986 on I worked as freelancer for the ORF and a few magazines. 89 I was sent by a magazine to attend the Tourism Fair Indaba in Johannesburg. In the same year I returned once more to South Africa and met Credo Mutwa. As described in Kariba one year later I decided to find out more about the “true Africa within”. For about five years I lived in South Africa where I was privileged to witness the end of apartheid.

I translated several books (English-German) and worked on a film project (script Christa Zettel and Jan Horn, SA) about the Myth of Africa. After I returned to Austria (1995) I published four books (see Publikationen and During the last years I worked on several scripts, three of them I present below. Recently I live in Austria (Burgenland), where I write and paint.


What needs to be done is to liberate the god, captured in a crystal castle, because the relation of the self or “I” to the sub-consciousness and of the personal to the trans-personal decides not only the fate of every individual but also of humanity. "The stage for this interaction however is the consciousness".


Christa Zettel: Reiserouten der Götter. Germany 1999



Follow the magic.


Recommendation (compliments) by Dr. Stephen Larsen (USA), author of The Shaman’s Doorway and editor of Song of the Stars: The Lore of an African Sangoma of Credo Vusamazlu Mutwa (New York 1996)

KARIBA - River of Time

122 pages. Written in German.

Part One: Journey into the interior
I There is a dream dreaming us
II The foreign woman

Part Two: The myth of the Race-that-died
I The Race-that-died
II River of Time
Dedicated to Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

One of the oldest African stories is the story of the rise and extinction of the empire of the Old Kalahari as told by the Sanusi Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa, whom I met first in 1989, a year of global changes. So the story I have to tell, is not only the story of a European woman, who was initiated in Africa and became a “White Bantu”, but the story of our Time, mirrored in the ancient African story of the race that died because of the greed, vanity and unrestricted love of inventiveness of this first nation in blood and flesh. It is not a story about despair or hope, death or life, good or evil, but the story of humankind, told by Africa, the cradle of mankind.

But Africa has not only preserved the oldest myth of the rise and fall of a civilization. Her Wise Ones guard also the mystery of the reversal of the River of Time (Kariba), the beginning of a new presence after the future returned into the past. This “New Golden Age”, connected by the Wise Ones of all peoples throughout the times with the forthcoming Age of Aquarius, can only begin after the reversal of the River of Time! Because this “river” flows as well outside as inside, we can avoid physical extinction by transforming ourselves in time.

© Christa Zettel, 2009

Text example (German): Aktuelles

The End of Time

Change in Consciousness in Mythology – Religion - History

128 pages, 21 drawings. Written in German.

Why I wrote this book.

Climate change, the “clash of civilizations”, mass migrations and the recent economic crisis are indications of a world crisis, believed by some to culminate in the end of the world at the “end of times”. But humanity has survived already several turning-points in time, the last one is known as Trojan War. Out of this clash of civilizations the mental conception of reality evolved. This psychic possibility to understand the forces which create the Universe and Life is one of five structures: archaic – magic - mythic – mental – integral. None is better or worse than the other and all are part of the sub-consciousness.

“God does not throw dice” (Einstein). Whenever a “new consciousness” is evolving in time (history), what becomes necessary when the achievements of a civilization turn against life forces, chaos is erupting. What has worked “in time” does work no longer, because traditional solutions do not solve problems anymore but increase the chaos to such an extent, that the so far unthinkable – a new consciousness – reveals itself as the only possibility to avoid chaos and extinction.

Unfortunately consciousness does not change overnight but is a process of centuries. Because the stage for such a fundamental change is not the self-conscious “I” but the sub-consciousness, we have to make the invisible visible, what only mythology is able to do. This does not mean we have to give up rationality (mental conception). Because all psychic conceptions of reality have made their mark in cult and rites (religion) of the peoples, leaving evidence behind we can trace in anthropology and archaeology, a kind of “archaeology of the soul” becomes possible which allows to make evidence transparent and transparency evident.

If we explore our origins “before the beginning of time”, it becomes evident, that the only structure of consciousness not yet realized in time is the integral one, which allows the human mind to become aware of a multi-dimensional reality, presupposed already by theories of the New Physics and by Transpersonal and Integral Psychology. Also mythology and demystification can already be integrated in a holistic insight, in which the gods (archetypes) are once more as vivid as the structure of the mind that made them visible. This allows the acknowledgement of the revealed universal truth (God) without having to give up rationality. Last but not least the integral conception of reality enables us to create new solutions for the problems of our world, benefiting not only a few individuals but humanity as such.

This is no “prophecy”. Also the integral structure is part of the sub-consciousness. That’s why amidst the enfolding world crisis not a wake-up call for Armageddon vibrates around the globe but a YES WE CAN.

After an introduction to illustrate the today’s known mutual effect between consciousness, archetypes, mythology and the sub-consciousness (once known as Mother Goddess), we can explore a prehistoric “environment-programme” and the “Technique of the Sacred”, used by indigenous people and reflected in cult and rites of the first civilizations. We find out that not war but peace was the driving force for civilization and bear witness to a complete changeover in believes in Mesopotamia, reversing salvation in guilt. Finally we describe the fate of the European soul as told in the story of Tristan and Isolde. Like all stories of the soul also this first original myth of the occident recapitulates the old, integrates the new and becomes the overture of what is still to come. Because her protagonists are prototypes of the emotional structure of modern man, their fate anticipates our world at the crossroads of past and future.

© Christa Zettel, 2009

Detailed list of reference in the script Text example (German): Aktuelles


120 pages. Written in German.

Odysseus, the hero of Homer’s Odyssey, has to set sails once more. Will he be able to return to his Ithaka after the Trojan War or will he be forced to escape the ruins of a Troy scattered all over the globe?

While tracing the “wandering about” of Odysseus during a journey though the Aegean See, the author detects the suppressed female soul in myth and religion. How will she represent herself to us, as saviour Isis or as destroyer Lilith?

What starts as individual exploration - also of the depths of the own soul - becomes a journey through the sub-consciousness, which allows a new beginning, made possible by the reconciliation of the female and male divinity as described by Homer.

© Christa Zettel, 2009

Text example (German): Aktuelles


Summary of an article published in October 2008 by Nexus in Germany.

On October 23rd 2007 the so called comet 17P/Holmes appearing in Pegasus “exploded” (at least astronomers suppose so), while traveling between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. Suddenly this comet, revolving the sun in a seven years cycle, became 500.000 times brighter than before. Finally its elongation doubled the diameter of our sun, making “Holmes” to the biggest object in our system, to a “Blue Sun”, foretold by Hopi Tradition to mark the transition from the Fourth to the Fifth Earth, expected by others as “New Golden Age”.

Some of us understood the physical appearance of the “Blue Sun” as long awaited indication for a rapidly changing consciousness ( 2007/12/01). The stage for consciousness in change is however not the self-conscious “I” but the sub-consciousness (Willis Harman), which enforces upon us, similar to the oath of manifestation, to account for all our “transactions” in time or history. (More details in The End of Time).

Once the change becomes evident on the collective level, a new consciousness (a new earth and a new heaven) can be evolved. Why this is possible and how it works illustrates the image of the archetype of the forthcoming New Age in the Cathedral of Canterbury. Not only one but two streams of water are poured out by the Water Bearer (Aquarius). While one stream flows down to the earth, against the law of gravity the other stream turns upwards. Above the head of the figure both streams meet and become one stream, flowing as well backwards as forwards (inside and outside).

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GOTT WÜRFELT NICHT Mystik und Wissenschaft

Wir leben in einer Wendezeit, deren schöpferischer Aspekt nicht mehr im Aufbau oder der Ordnung liegt, sondern in der Zerstörung, dem Chaos mit seiner scheinbaren Nichtordnung.










KARIBA                      Der Fluss der Zeit

Die Autorin, die 1989 von einem der letzten Hohepriester der Erdmutter in Südafrika initiiert wurde, führt in die Geistwelt Afrikas ein und entdeckt überraschende Über­einstimmungen zu spirituellen Traditionen alter europäischer Kulturen.


Christa Zettel


Roman, 220 Seiten

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In Vorbereitung

Christa Zettel


Eine Lebens-Kunst für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene
Sachbuch, 147 Seiten

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Christa Zettel


Erzählung,110 Seiten

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